Schedule A Home Pickup

We only accept clothing, other textiles, and shoes. See the list of items we accept here.

Our drivers make home pickups between 7 am and 7 pm.

We are currently serving select municipalities in the Northeast US.

Please pick a day and have your clothes by your front door in clearly labeled plastic bags. To help minimize our emissions impact, please only request a pickup when you have 3 or more bags.

Can’t wait for the next pickup date? Find bins near you!

Have questions about home pickup service? Read the Home Pickup FAQ below form.

If you have questions, you can email or call 800-244-6350

Frequently Asked

Are you tired of having unwanted clothing piling up in your closet? Have you heard about home pickups for your unwanted clothing but have questions? Look no further! Helpsy is here to provide you with all the answers you need.